Here the mundane is not belabored, but we promise a writer's heart and soul. Check out the latest from Sandtrap in the Heart of Jawja, a place that never was but oughta be. Or, "I'm a man of great convictions, but never served time." That's paraprosdokian; find more at the "Paradoke Corner." The section called "Silly Poems" may make you chuckle or bring a smile. Content is added regularly. Thanks for your visit, and y'all come back now, ya' hear? To get started click the "Contents" tab above or links to individual articles in the right column.

"Phil Comer, on his 'All Write by Me' blog... Definitely worth a look-see." Chuck Sambuchino, Editor, Guide to Literary Agents, Writer’s Digest Books.

Monday, November 8, 2010

PARADOKE CORNER - #8 Pollyanna’s Paraprosdokian Top Ten

Paraprosdokian, two phrases, the second changing the meaning of the first, usually in a funny or humorous way. The Paradoke Corner top ten in the “Pollyanna’s” category:

10) My gal was faithful to the end. Unfortunately, I was the quarterback.

9) “A verbal contract isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on.” Sam Goldwyn

8) We don’t serve women at this bar. You have to bring your own.

7) “When I told my gentile girlfriend I was bringing the bagels, she set two extra places.” George Furth

6) “There are still things you can get for a dollar – like nickels, dimes and quarters.” - Charles Lindner

5) “That restaurant was so crowded, nobody ever goes there anymore.” Yogi Berra

4) “I ran and ran and ran from the murderers ‘till Mom shook me awake.”

3) "I discovered my wife in bed with another man, and I was crushed. So I said, 'Get off me, you two!'" - Emo Philips

2) “A bum said to me, ‘I haven’t eaten in three days.’ I said, ‘Force yourself.’” - Henny Youngman

And the Paradoke Corner Winner in the “Pollyanna’s” Category:

1) “I wouldn’t hurt a fly – unless it was open.” - Mae West

Next up in the Paradoke Corner:
The “‘CYA’ Top Ten” category goes way back.  (Go!)

Or, check out Sandtrap, Jawja’s latest.  (Go!)

Compiled from various sources. Paradoke Corner ranking by Phil Comer. Photo by Phil Comer, model Patsy Fried. Unless stated otherwise, links are for information and not the property of the author.

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