Here the mundane is not belabored, but we promise a writer's heart and soul. Check out the latest from Sandtrap in the Heart of Jawja, a place that never was but oughta be. Or, "I'm a man of great convictions, but never served time." That's paraprosdokian; find more at the "Paradoke Corner." The section called "Silly Poems" may make you chuckle or bring a smile. Content is added regularly. Thanks for your visit, and y'all come back now, ya' hear? To get started click the "Contents" tab above or links to individual articles in the right column.

"Phil Comer, on his 'All Write by Me' blog... Definitely worth a look-see." Chuck Sambuchino, Editor, Guide to Literary Agents, Writer’s Digest Books.

About Author

Writer Phil Comer, winner of numerous awards, lives in rural Georgia with dogs, cats, chickens and spousal unit. He holds a BS from Mercer University, a Masters from the University of Georgia and PhD from the University of Kansas.

Home Place, Sandtrap (Mercer County), Jawja, USA
Work has included stints on a Michigan university faculty, Scientific Affairs for an international chemical concern, director of bioscience for a major pharma/ag outfit, and independent writer and consultant. His articles and chapters appear in scientific and scholarly press, and short fiction in an Alyson Books anthology. He has led writing teams for corporations, trade associations and has in excess of one million words ghosted in worldwide corporate dossiers.

Early on, he was owner/operator of "The Last Resort," a venerable folk, jazz, blues venue in Athens, GA, characterized in the press as "a local bohemian nightspot catering to the avant-garde." A popular speaker, he writes scripts and leads cemetery and historical rambles. Hobbies include international home stays, an outlet affording power naps in 30+ countries on six continents.

His first novel Ruby Cheeks, unpublished, is the initial installment of his SportsModel Trilogy (go). Excerpts of his work are found at his website blog "All Write By Me," and Welcome! 'Cause that's where you are.


#1 “Highlights from Ruby Cheeks,” excerpts from my novel (the "tabs" at the top aren't counted with "most popular" posts listed in the right column)  (go)

#2 "Phil Comer Interview" by Appalachian writer Candice Dyer  (go)

#3 "Interview with Phil Comer" by Utah writer Alicia Caldwell  (go)

#4 "Paradoke Corner #10 - Doctor's Orders"  (go) 

#5 "Evangelicals Urged to Stalk Gays - Part 1, The Jesus Piece" (go)

#6 The “No Place for Gnomes” Rap, my gnomophobic rant  (go)

#7 “A Chicken Goes in a Bar,” an homage to Gary Larson  (go)

But I bet you’ll also enjoy a down home visit to Sandtrap, Jawja. Check out the latest.  (go)


Feel free to drop a note to: philcomer [at] aol [period] com.

Darn spider bots. And please put something other than "Hi" in subject line. That's what all the brain eating zombies say.

© Phil Comer

Home place photo by Phil Comer.